Morning mist, Meerut & mit jayaega saara gila....

Chodo sanam Kahae ka gam Hastae raho Khiltae raho Mit jayaega Saara gila Humsei galae miltae raho.... :-D On a morning train after ages in winters. All stuffed and rounded like a snowman. Either the seats in Shatabdi have shrunk or I am overstuffed! Just reached Meerut station and it looks pretty respectable as compared to the crappy town it is. Just love red bougainvillea blooming at the platform. One sight you hardly seen on railway stations. Everytime I have come to this city I have lost my way. For some reason this city reminds me of strife, rudeness and disorder. Kind of a western UP counter part of Cawnpoor! I saw first half of Dhoom 2 here, stayed for a night in some hotel, got stuck in a huge traffic jam, came for an univ inspection, and got lost once, no twice, while driving through it. Maybe someday I will have something good to say about Meerut. That day has yet to come.