
Showing posts from December, 2021

Trials & tribulations of boiling an egg!

Finally managed to make my own breakfast today of boiled eggs, peanut butter sandwich and coffee after much trial and tribulations.  The tough part being the evasive electricity and that being my only way to cook (on a electric heater) or make coffee (in an electric kettle). I started the boiling the eggs day before at 6pm and finally managed to boil them by 11pm! I had infact forgotten all about them through the multiple power shut downs during the course of evening. Was reminded about them by the incessant banging of the eggs on the steel utensil once the water had fully boiled.  Bottom line being I am totally dependent upon electricity. Will have to make arrangements for a gas connection and an inverter if I have to stay long. Aisae kaise chalega! Danced a mini jig after the successful completion of breakfast in the morning today. Even an inane task like this seems like such a Herculean effort over here!

The one who almost got away...

So I have this record which I am rather fond of. I have never lost a friend, as in I am not talking about death, but never lost contact. I have tracked down people who had settled abroad, had changed their surnames and that too before Facebook and Google, after a gap of around 2 decades. There was hardly anyone I couldn't track, and I did track down quite a few and the rest I never lost sight of. Except one. The irony of that was she was in my hometown, so technically she should have been the easiest to track. But I never could. She wasn't there on any social media. The hospital where we both had worked had shut down. We had no common acquaintance. Our one common friend was now semi-hostile. Plus with my bad memory for names I could not recollect of anyone else who had worked in the hospital. In short I had no leads to follow on, so was practically screwed! But I never gave up hope.  I used to regularly scan the social media platforms in case she turns up somewhere, but with no...

Storm in a teacup

Had a first hand experience of "breaking news" in the department at GMC today.  Some media person with a microphone and a guy holding a cell phone recording the event broke into the dental department today.  They caught hold of an attendant named Zia not wearing a mask and asked him where his mask was. He not knowing who the guys were asked where is your mask? When they revealed their identity Zia pushed them out of the OPD and locked the doors.  Then all hell broke loose! Incidentally the Principal was in our department getting his dental treatment done at that time. So it was all the more absurd and more of a real life drama.