
Showing posts from 2010

Back to the Future

I have come back. After God knows how long. Was it work/ life/ laziness or just some lame excuse that kept me away? My inspiration to write had just dried up or maybe life had become too fast and exciting to put in words. Blackberry is the answer to put an end to this phase. I have to get a grip on how to blog via my cell but I guess once I learn it then things will get smoother and I will be logging in at a more regular intervals. Leaving for Delhi tonight for Ruchi's reception. Will be back on Tuesday afternoon. Will leave for Banthra right from the station and go visit Nani's home. I shall be back.

About bravery

'You must not mind me.' We were together again and the self conciousness was gone. 'We really are the same one and we must not misunderstand on purpose.' 'We won't' 'But people do. They love each other and they misunderstand on purpose and they fight and suddenly they aren't the same one.' 'We won't fight.' 'We must not. Because there's only us two and in the world there's all rest of them. If anything comes between Us we're gone and they have us.' 'They won't get us,' I said. 'Because you're too brave. Nothing ever happens to the brave.' 'They die of course.' 'But only once.' 'I don't know. Who said that?' 'The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one?' 'Of course. Who said it?' 'I don't know.' 'He was probably a coward,' she said. 'He knew a great deal about cowards but nothing about the brave. The brave dies perha...