
This post is a bit late. I have been meaning to write it ever since I visited the state but just didn't get about doing so.
There is something about that state and it's people. From the minute you get on the train from Delhi the vibrancy, positivity and buoyancy of the co-passengers hits you. Specially when you compare it with the somewhat sullen and slightly malnourished variety you come across in trains traveling to the Hindi heartland. Or the serious, silent, subdued and very disciplined kind you come across down South.
Even for a train starting at 11pm there was so much energy and positive vibrations that you can't help but get affected by it. Everyone is helping everyone and food is being passed all around, even if you have met for the first time.
The degree of hospitality one comes across is pretty amazing specially when you have been an inspector/examiner since long, are pretty cynical and have been numbed by the usual pretense of welcome you see everywhere. How everyone is ready for a chat, concerned about your stay and leaves no stone turned in hospitality makes you a believer.
There are other communities who are good in making you feel comfortable, but a punjabi does it in a way in which it seems that nothing will give them greater joy then to see you happy.


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