Comfortably Numb

Life at times is like an intoxicant. You are aware of your surroundings, you are lucid, but you are also comfortably numb.
I have had this phrase with me since ages. Thats what you get when you hear Pink Floyd too early on in life. I knew the song since I was around 10, I guess. But the gist of the song came much later when I was in my mid 30s.
My comfortably numb is a state of peace in a way and not a mildly disturbing song as sung by the Floyds. It's the closest I come to nirvana or tranquility. I like it because I don't do dumb or risky stuff in this state. Boredom is the state when I am the most dangerous surprisingly.
Factors which help in my being comfortably numb is a stable job, standard routine, regular sleep pattern, no burning ambition to prove anything and the desire to lie low and hibernate, and lastly the feeling that you have been there, done that, many times over.
I don't know for how long I will stay this way but I should make the most of it while it's there.


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