A summer Sunday Dawn.......

On a lazy Sunday morning my thoughts drifted towards the time I had spent with Suzana. I missed her and the thought that I did came out of nowhere and enveloped me like a light cloud around me.
I took my bike and rode to the place where she is, right on the banks of Gomti.
It was still early morning and the sun was still not out. On the riverside a light breeze was blowing and the flock of wild ducks were flying down to the water. Just the kind of place and time of the day Suzana would have loved to run around in.

On the left side was a railway bridge and a passenger train lazily trudged across it. How she would have gone all curious on seeing a train, got all excited and then barked herself crazy taking the train to be some giant lumbering animal trying to flee from her barks. She would have loved the whole experience.

Stood around for a while soaking in the scenery and had a small chat with her, telling her how much I missed her, how she had to be put to sleep due to the debilitating leukemia, what a wonderful place she is in with open grassy bank and a river flowing past, and what all we had been through together in our journey of 8 memorable years.

On my way back crossed Dilkusha gardens. I had heard about it a lot but somehow never seen it.
Parked my bike and walked in to an isolated place. I was surprised to see the monuments and the well maintained lawns.

Dilkusha was a hunting lodge build by the nawabs and designed by a brit for them. Looking at its size it looked more of a place of "pleasure" rather then a lodge of any kind.

As I was walking about the place in my splendid isolation I came across a big lawn. And right across the lawn was this golden labrador pup around 2 months old. A teenager was with him, and was sitting away disinterested.
We both saw each other. Our eyes met. I bent down a bit and the pup came tearing across the lawn right into my lap! I patted him, played with him and he went all crazy licking and jumping all over me.

I played with him to my hearts content and as I walked away I felt as if Suzana had come over to play with me for one last time.........


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