
Showing posts from November, 2014

Random Musing

I like these kind of blogs where I muse about random stuff and ramble incoherently. It not only acts as a talk back but also gives me an opportunity to vent some spleen. I think I am blogging a bit too much dogs nowadays. Liking dogs, or your own dog, is one thing and talking or writing about them extensively is another thing. I have become like the mothers who just can't see beyond their kids. I am like the Helen(?) of Goldbergs, I am wearing "mommy glasses". But on the other hand I had thought that I would exclusively write Alex from now on in my blog. Was that decision too layered in my obsession for him? Why don't they have spell check in this blog? I thought it was a rather standard stuff where ever you were supposed to type. I can type xgftersd and this page will not even blink! What a jerk. Where are the winters? I have cracked open my blazers wardrobe and have to still be a bit uncomfortable wearing it. If not now then when will I wear all the suites an...

Indie & Alex

I have had dogs throughout my life, pure bred as well as in these politically correct times the one's they call as Indie, which in the days gone by were called "mongrels". Despite tall claims by so called experts I always felt that the Indies were cunning and independent, hence a lot difficult to train. Pedigreed on the other hand came almost pre-assembled. Till the time you were not a total ass they were not that difficult to train. I guess this came from their inherent desire to please the owner. The Indie were also affectionate and playful but they also had a free spirit which was untameable. And I had all the dogs right from the time they were pups (except for Lucy) so obviously there were no external factors involved. I think I am rambling now. So my guy Alexander, or Alex for short, found the love of his life. An indie born toLucy, an old friend of my Suzana. Now this indie gets along so well with my guy that you wonder about love in the stars and fated to m...

Alex - the car riding junkie at almost 8 months

Alex. More of an Alexander, now that he has grown up all muscular and tall. He used to be a small pup and now he has grown into one big hyper teenager. Oflate he has picked up the joy of riding cars. The minute a car door opens he pops in and is already for the ride. Thankfully so far he doesnt bark while the car is moving on dogs and cows. A dog this old is just like a kid at 2-3 years. Everyother day he'll come up with something new and surprise you.  During the dewali holidays he picked up coming down stairs. I say coming down because he was always pretty confident going up. It was the coming down part which used to have him all whiney and weepy. Imagine carrying a dog this big in your hands and walking down 12-15 stairs. Thankfully he got the hang of it once he was left alone on the landing to manage it. Now he can't wait to run up & down the stairs. More later about the love of his life, his childhood sweetheart Roxana.

Makki di roti & Sarson da saag

I had it (obviously referring to makki ki roti & sarson ka saag) for the first time day before yesterday at a wedding in Lucknow. Which of course is very ironic cause I come from a place where both maize and mustard is all over the place and roti and saag is a staple meal. Maybe the reason that it was so common was why I never bothered to have it. At the wedding after the round of fish tikka, kababs, noodles I wandered of to the stall serving it and on impulse took it. As I was having it for the first time went the whole hog and put dollops of melted ghee on rotis and saag. And took a bunch of pieces of jaggery too. It was delicious!