Random Musing

I like these kind of blogs where I muse about random stuff and ramble incoherently. It not only acts as a talk back but also gives me an opportunity to vent some spleen.

I think I am blogging a bit too much dogs nowadays. Liking dogs, or your own dog, is one thing and talking or writing about them extensively is another thing. I have become like the mothers who just can't see beyond their kids. I am like the Helen(?) of Goldbergs, I am wearing "mommy glasses". But on the other hand I had thought that I would exclusively write Alex from now on in my blog. Was that decision too layered in my obsession for him?

Why don't they have spell check in this blog? I thought it was a rather standard stuff where ever you were supposed to type. I can type xgftersd and this page will not even blink! What a jerk.

Where are the winters? I have cracked open my blazers wardrobe and have to still be a bit uncomfortable wearing it. If not now then when will I wear all the suites and blazers that I have piled up?

I hate this cough! It's really bugging the hell out of me. Even my tried and tested Septillin has failed me this once. I have still not overcome the horrific memories of the cough I had a couple of years back when I had gone to Kathmandu to take exams. How I used to wake up coughing and how my rib cage used to ache from consistent coughing. The only word that rhymes with that cough is brackish. It was that bad.

Cough reminds me of House (which has me hooked!) which reminds me of English serial, which reminds me of 30Rock (big fan of Liz Lemon), which reminds me of poetry of Jewel. Now this is what they call a "train of thought", a phrase I learnt from Sherlock Holmes, the short stories, not the movies/series/interpretations.

By the way why do they have so many serials on Holmes nowadays? Is he the flavour of the year? We have Sherlock at BBC/AXN, then another one Elementary, in which Lucy Liu (very unimaginatively names Dr. Watson) has started getting on my nerves, and then House, which is a very cleverly disguised one with our homely Dr. Williams instead of Watson and even House's flat number as 221.

Well I have to look up the poetry of Jewel now, before I forget and get distracted by something inane and trivial. I seem to have the attention span of a gold fish!


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