
Showing posts from June, 2016


Well, well, well, we have come a long way! On this Sunday, the 19th of June, Two thousand and sixteen our good ol' Thumper crossed the 24K mark. As far as ordinary bikes go, this is not an exceptional milestone. But then this is no ordinary bike to begin with. It is more of a ceremonial bike which ventures out on rather few occasions. Like the King's mount which comes out only in ceremonies and leisure rides. No minion task for the Thumper. The significance on 24K is also because the longest trip Thumper has undertaken is also a 24! and that was it's 2400km run from Lucknow to Ladakh to Kashmir. I do hope to take it out again someday on a long run where it gets to run free, rather then the clutch/brake/accelerator existence it has to put up with in city run.

Slap of God : Thunderclap!

Rain started pouring like there was no tomorrow, early in the morning today. I think it was 5 or something o'clock. I was in a mood to go back to sleep but then I remembered poor Alex, stuck on the roof. Well, he wasn't as drenched as I had expected as he had the good sense to stand under the awning. As I was rescuing him I saw that there already was a couple of inches of water pooled up on the roof. The drains would have clogged again despite my cleaning them a few days back. So, I left the ecstatic Alex to scuttle down while I, like a true hero, went out to clean the drains. It was pouring so I was drenched in the first few steps I took on the roof. There was a small rectangular iron sheet left by the painters which I took for the job. Here I am, totally drenched, feet in 3-4 inches of water, with a metal sheet in hand, stooped over the drain which was clogged with leaves, twigs and matted Alex's hair.......and then IT happens! There is this blinding white light all ...

An ideal evening.....

Ah! Today was an ideal evening or an evening well spent according to me. Lounging on the couch, or sprawled is more like it, watching my favourite programme,  and Alex by my side. A bottle of chilled water and an empty house made it all the more better. The temperate weather also helps to add on to the peace and tranquillity. Happiness in simplicity!

Then & Now

A long, long time back if I was asked to name a few individuals I would never ever meet again, I think her name would be among the top 5 or even 3. Her father was in the army, she had already been in APS when I joined, and was due for transfer anyway. And I did not like her. Not because of anything specific, but just like that. We were together in school in Udhampur. I think it was during 9th - 10th. We both were the first to reach the class. I think, by a good 10-15 minutes before anyone else came. I used to be terribly shy and everyday I used to wish that either she would not be there or there would be someone else besides her. And I was the class monitor! I don't think I ever spoke to her, which knowing me then would not be a surprise, and to avoid her I used to stand outside the class till someone else came! And here we meet so many years down the line.....and now are good, chatty friends! So I guess the moral of the story would be, to not be a presumptuous ass ever!