Then & Now

A long, long time back if I was asked to name a few individuals I would never ever meet again, I think her name would be among the top 5 or even 3. Her father was in the army, she had already been in APS when I joined, and was due for transfer anyway. And I did not like her. Not because of anything specific, but just like that.
We were together in school in Udhampur. I think it was during 9th - 10th. We both were the first to reach the class. I think, by a good 10-15 minutes before anyone else came. I used to be terribly shy and everyday I used to wish that either she would not be there or there would be someone else besides her. And I was the class monitor!
I don't think I ever spoke to her, which knowing me then would not be a surprise, and to avoid her I used to stand outside the class till someone else came!
And here we meet so many years down the line.....and now are good, chatty friends!
So I guess the moral of the story would be, to not be a presumptuous ass ever!


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