Independence Day!

So this was the 70th Independence day or so I am told.
Well 70 is a nice round figure and I have a thing for round numbers.
Has things changed for the better in all these years? Well frankly I don't know.

Technological advancement apart I feel everything else is more or less the same. There might be 300+ channels but I watch the same 2-3, if only that. Books are still the same thankfully. Movies if anything have become shallow with minimalistic plot and rely way too much on special effects.

I might have 2000+ contacts on my cell but I prefer to be in contact with only a handful.  And even this availability 24x7 is more of an intrusion than a blessing. Cars are more advanced now but roads were almost empty back then.

Life expectancy has improved thanks to modern medicine but at what costs. Many survive with debilitating illnesses for years where nature taking its course would be both merciful and relieving for the patient and their care takers.

If anything air conditioning would be one of the greatest invention in Indian conditions on a regular daily basis. But then there was life before that also and we used to sleep pretty blissfully as kids.

I think travel is one thing which has become faster and more accessible then it was in the heydays. And is a good welcome change.

I don't yearn for old days, but as I belong to a generation which has seen rapid advancements I am at a position to look around and compare.


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