Graveyard run

So on the 3rd of March I saw this dream where I was in a graveyard at dusk.
There I was riding on my bike to this muslim graveyard where Rum had called me. I think she was supposed to have her place somewhere there. Its already past sunset when I reach. The graveyard has these huge trees all around. Grass is growing and the rectangular land is all green. I can't see any graves nor is there anyone around. I hang around for a bit but shes nowhere to be seen, and then something starts to creep me out. There is no one around and I can see the road at a distance with vehicles moving and a park with evening walkers next to it. Still there is a feeling of unease, a gut instinct,  and I decide to leave.
I get on the bike and beat a hasty retreat. There is a park nearby where I am riding the bike on the concrete path slowly through the few walkers. I move out of park and it suddenly becomes overcast and a few raindrops fall.
I want to get back home before it starts to pour. As I try to speed I realise that the right handle of the bike is missing! How will I accelerate without it? Then I see that it has just slipped down. As the rain starts pouring I get lost in the labyrinth of the old city. Every lane turns out to be a dead end.


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