3 things

3 things defined yesterday i.e. 19th of February 2019, a Tuesday. Raman's B'day.

All the three traveling from the past to the present.
First was the thing about the fish. I was gifted an aquarium around 7-8
years back by Bro Joshi. It was a rather small one but as I was new to
hobby it sufficed. I experimented with a lot of fish, starting from the
ubiquitous gold fish and finally ended with tinfoil which are a very
hardy.and dependable variety of carp. I have had carp now for over 6 years
Yesterday the last of my first lot of tinfoil was all groggy and *grey*. It was
swimming upside down in the morning and scaring the hell out of other fish
plus looking super creepy. I tried to revive it by putting the
antimicrobial medicine in the tank in the morning and left things to fate.

Second was the thing about the car. I took the old nano after quite a while
to college. There was a slight drizzle just before college and as always I
was just running on time. I was a bit fast when I approached the cut for
the side lane which leads to college. Must have been at 80km/hour or so. I
made a slight cut to the left to enter the service lane while hitting the
brakes. Due to the wet road and loose gravel the car started skidding to
the right. Something like you would see in Tokyo Drift. The thought that
came to mind was that the front right tyre is about to hit the sidewalk. As
I am sliding and just inches away from hitting, I disengage the brake and
hit the accelerator. The car whizzes past the sidewalk by a whisker!
More then anything I was amazed with all the thoughts that went through my
head and how composed I was throughout. Very zen like. Though the whole
episode would have been over in a few seconds at the most. Reminded me of a
time 12 years back when I almost died while speeding on Mahesh's Maruti car
while on my way to a party in front of MB Club. Though that night I was
drunk and the car skid a full 180 degrees!

Third was the thing about the moon last night. I was riding my bike on the
way to CA and I was stuck by the enormity of the moon from the CMS flyover. I
was literally forced to stop the bike and click pics by my lunar obsession.
Later on I came to know that it was something called as the Super Snow moon
and would be the biggest full moon of 2019!
Ever since I was a kid I had a thing for the moon. I used to imagine that
it was following us during night travels by car. We used to lie down on the
cot on the roof and stare at the moon. Those days there used to be
minimal street light and traffic so the moon was all the more brighter.

On the whole it was a bit of a Murakami-ish day with slightly strange
events and an overcast moon. The perfect setting for a good short story of magical realism.

P.S.: In the end it was not to be. The tinfoil had grown to a respectable
size of around 6 inches and its time had come.


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