23rd is my flight from Del to B'lore and the fog is on the rise! In all my wisdom I got the booking done for the 9am flight but looking at the conditions I feel even that to will be a bit too early. It's 12:30pm and the fog is still very much there over here in Lucknow. I guess, I should be mentally prepared for a long haul at the airport. And with two kids in tow, that should be fun!
22nd November. The Chamber. Haze is the word which comes to my mind if I had to describe the state I am in. Everything around is bright and clear. Atleast all the physical things. I can analyse. I can converse. I took a detailed, extempore class. But mentally I seem to be far, far away. I can feel myself breathing. Which is not a good thing when it means every single breath. Floating would be the second word which comes to my mind if I had to describe my mental state right now. Swimming is good most of the times but you can also float once in a while and let the currents guide you. "After the slumber of the year The woodland violets reappear; All things revive in field or grove And sky and sea, but two, which move And form all others, life and love." - Shelley
saw "Tarae zameen pur" today. Finally! Thank God I was forewarned about the tear fest and was mentally prepared for it. Came out with only a couple of scenes which got to me.......like the one in which Aamir paints the kid laughing and obviously the last scene when he runs up to him. Nice movie all in all.