Soul, spirit & spirituality

Well so this is how it goes. So many things to write about, so many thoughts to process.
So I bought this book on rebirth recently. The indian perspective of it as it was written by a lady in Bomaby who lost her two sons in a car accident somewhere in the 60s. The date of their death was 22nd Feb something and the music playing in the back ground while I was browsing through it was the signature tune of Karz. It took me sometime to figure out the movie as only the tune was playing. It gave me the creeps once I related the two events.
The book makes for an interesting read. There are many things that one disagrees with but the gist of the book that one just needs to be a good soul to have a peaceful afterlife and religious fanfare is crap was something I agree with.
She made heaven sound like a Parsi housing complex with various floors. I think there were nine levels and the penthouse was the one having god. Seemed very apt.


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