6 pieces of silver

This is a story from long, long ago.
Ok its not that long ago. Maybe over a month or max a couple of months old. But it played almost like a fairy tale, hence the opening line of this blog.
There I was on a pleasant morning walking along with Alex on our regular perambulation, when I came across something shiny in the huge sand heap alongside a house under construction. I poked with the stick I carry along to check the source of shininess and along slid out a round silvery thing as the one in the pic. Initially I thought it was a 1 rupee coin but on closer inspection it turned out to be a plain, round, silvery disk. Out of curiosity I poked the stick in the sand and a couple of disks fell out. Now I was mildly intrigued. I kept on poking the sand and more and more disks slid out. By the end I had around 8-9 at hand.
Once the discs stopped appearing I was lost as what to do with them. So as a prank I thought of spreading them at a distance from each other on the roadside and to check the next morning as how many people have been fooled into thinking that it was a Re.1 coin.
In the evening I was musing at how they must have come around at that one particular spot, there purpose and the odds of my finding them.
The next morning I was curious to check the result of my prank/psychological experiment. I walked towards the sand mount and just out of curiousity I poked my stick again into it, and out rolled out another disc! This was almost like magic cause this one wasn't even visible and it was just by chance I had poked there. Once more 5 more discs magically appeared out of the sand.
And this time I kept the 6 pieces of silver.

P.S.: the other pieces of silver spread out the day before had been taken by some hapless souls who I am sure would have cursed their luck, or me.


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