Analysis of Misogynistic asshole

The other day I was called to the Principal office to enquire about a written complaint submitted by an intern about her batchmate.
The guy when he turned up for questioning was pretty chilled out about the whole thing. Was smiling in-between and had a cavalier attitude about the proceeding.  He had threatened the complainant that he will strip her and will pull her tongue out. He felt it was a minor thing and an unnecessary fuss is being created about it. It was only when I shouted at him in the end that he was able to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
We submitted the report after enquiring from the rest of the batch and the facts tallied with the one written in the complain.
Now today when he was given the formal letter from the Principal office that he came to me.
He was all repentant and crying today. What amazed me was the way his thought process worked. For one he imagined himself to be the victim. He quoted about another Professor who had been chucked out for sexual misdemeanor expecting me to be sympathetic. When I said he should have been kicked out a long time back he was taken aback.
Then he took the track of how the complainant doesn't do any work and goes around with guys outside. I asked him if the other 9 people in his batch had no issue with it, why is he so bothered? He had nothing to say.


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