
Showing posts from 2007

New Year Eve

So another year comes to an end...................... Gregorian calender of 365 days so what all do we to talk about???....... Oh yeah ash cleared her MDS so tht ws somthng to write home about. And haan my road trip to Leh/Kashmir ws also worth a mention. 2400kms on my bird in 18 days. phew! Jai got his head shaved off in Sukhrala on dewali eve............hmmmmm. Did quite a bit waise.

Biker quotes

Here are some of my fav Biker Quotes I found on some Biker site... · Live to ride. Ride to Live. · Loud pipes save lives. · Only bikers understand why dogs love to stick their heads out car windows. · Bikes don't leak oil, they mark their territory. · Never ask a biker for directions if you're in a hurry to get there. · The number of kicks it takes to start your bike is directly proportional to the number of spectators. · Never ask your bike to scream before her throat is good and warm. · If you want to get a job, you may have to compromise your principals. You may even have to shave. · Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone. · A good rider has balance, judgment, and good timing. So does a good lover. · A cold hamburger can be reheated quite nicely by strapping it to an exhaust pipe and riding forty miles. · Never do less then forty miles before breakfast. · If you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride. · Young riders pick a destination ...


saw "Tarae zameen pur" today. Finally! Thank God I was forewarned about the tear fest and was mentally prepared for it. Came out with only a couple of scenes which got to the one in which Aamir paints the kid laughing and obviously the last scene when he runs up to him. Nice movie all in all.

Benazir's end

Banazir Bhutto- assassinated in Rawalpindi. This marks the end of an era. An era which was initiated by Rajiv in India and Benazir in Pakistan. First Rajiv was killed by LTTE. Now Benazir was done in by islamist/Musharaf/taliban...whoever. Both politicians who grabbed limelight while I was coming of age. What has this world come to?

Passing of Pratap

Got to hear a terrible news early in the morning today. Had gone to get my car repaired and came to know that the garage owner- Mr. Pratap has passed away in a road accident. I was wondering where he was coz he was always there on the counter whenever you went to the garage. And the irony of all this is that I stay just behind his house but still was unaware of this tragedy. It happened on the 21st of b'day, a head on collision of the Indica he was driving with a bus while he was on his way for a wedding. A tragic loss.

X'mas at 2/71

Ah well, another x'mas. Didn't move out anywhere. Is it cold or sheer laziness, I can't say. Ate a lot, slept a lot, read a what?