
Today is a Blankety-Blank-Blank day.
Actually it's Friday the 10th and Good Friday for that matter, but as far as I am concerned it's a Blankety-Blank-Blank day.
These are the days when till the time I do not make an effort to think my mind is absolutely blank. Like a blackboard erased of all chalk marks or a plain piece of paper. I have absolutely nothing to think about, there is no work pending, nothing as such is bothering me and everything is moving like a clockwork. The sun rose as expected, the department is running smoothly and everything that had to be tackled has been tackled.
I love such days.
I won't say that these days are far and few in between but all the same they are a blessing, specially after a hard week or a turbulent time. Even writing a simple blog like this takes an effort as my mind simply refuses to work.
If I had to compare it to a real life situation, I would say that right now my mental condition is similar to a mountain top with a green meadow, surrounded by tall pine trees. There is a bright blue sky on top with a few whiffs of clouds floating by. A cool wind is blowing through the trees with a soothing, hushing sound. I am lying down on the grass looking up towards the sky through the branches of the pine trees. The earth below is cool and the sun rays a bit warm.
Total and complete nirvana.


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