The Truth is Out There.

"Speaking frankly and speaking the truth are two different things entirely. Honesty is to truth as prow is to stern. Honesty appears first and truth appears last. The interval between varies in direct proportion to the size of the ship. With anything of size, truth takes a long time in coming. Sometimes it only manifests itself posthumously. Therefore, should I impart you with no truth at this juncture, that is through no fault of mine. Nor yours."

How was one to respond to this? He acknowledged my silence and continued to speak.

"You are probably wondering why I called you all this way here. It was to set the ship in forward motion. You and I shall move it forward motion. By discussing the matters in all honesty, we shall proceed one step at a time closer to truth."

At that point he coughed and glanced over at his hand resting on the arm of the sofa.

Came across these lines in A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami. What was intriguing was that I was struggling with the basis of truth at that point of time.

These lines came like a revelation.

I could not have put my thoughts in words any better.


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