Pepper & Ginger

I don't write about pets as a rule, specially the younger one's as I feel that it puts some kind of a jinx on them.
But with these two I am making an exception to the rule.
These two as it is had an amazing journey in life so far.
They were born to Furgie a couple of months back and were in a litter of four.
Their mom made sure that they were delivered in an undisclosed location and I came to know only after she came back one day all slim 'n trim and ravenously hungry. She got them home when they were a month or so old and her daughter from the first litter, Soxie, joined hands (paws) with her to help raise the brood.
So there were 6 cats in the house now. As cats move in mysterious ways, Furgie took her litter and disappeared one day with Soxie left high and dry.
Soxie hung around the house for a few days and then went in search of them. Being familiar with the cat world she obviously tracked them down and got two kittens back.
Pepper & Ginger.

Soxie, after she got these two back was in a very "chatty" mood and kept on meowing to me. I expected the worst and imagined some kind of misfortune befalling Furgie and her other kittens. Soxie got herself promoted from a nanny to a full on surrogate mom in no time and was busy playing and grooming them the whole day. The most amazing part was that she even started lactating and I was astounded to see the kittens suckling!
All this while I wondered what had become of my first cat, Furgie.
And then one night I saw her crossing the road just next to my house. I ran after her, calling her name, and she just walked away without even looking back.....


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