Canteen at the 69th milestone

Canteen is the heart of most of the institutions.

You get to hear the latest gossip, college news, score updates, uptake on political events, local news, reports on hostel fights, departmental ego issues and discuss crap which you would never bother or be interested to talk about anywhere else.

More so in this place where it was placed in straw shacks on open ground right at the entrance of the college. Here it was not only the heart but also the eyes of the institution as you could see whoever was coming or going from the college. And then dissect them, their personality, attire, mannerisms, gait, way of talking, eating habits, sexual orientation, personal and social life etc. I think you get the point.

I must have spent countless hours sitting there with Daya (who used to have his b'fast) during the winters of 2006. The tea was bad, dosa was sad and pav bhaji had a chinese twist. Stuffed parathas were the only redeemable feature by far. But then all said and done there was some place to sit and chat within the campus.

Then they in their unquestionable wisdom demolished it.

The venue changed to a Nescafe joint right opposite the college. Sat in it through the whole of 2007- summers and winters. Then due to the supreme inefficiency (he had a hard time getting it opened at even 11am!) of its owner, had to abandon it. Tried the joint/shop called "Foodgate" (must have been a fan of President Nixon) just next to the cafe for a while but soon got tired of local interpretation of pizza and veg. hot dogs.

Had to shift to a claustrophobic tea shop next top the college. Boy! How I hated that place with its cheap plastic stools, running and dieing mice, hissing of the coffee machine and dirt all over. It used to be crowded like the Black Hole of Calcutta at lunch time. Due to the NOA factor as they say in politics, No Other Alternative, had to grin and bear it.

Finally after ages a canteen has been put back where the original used to stand.
A building more fit to be called a barrack rather then a canteen.

But then beggars can't be choosers.


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