The Great Train Robbery

Well not exactly a train robbery to be exact but more of a robbery discovered by a co-passenger while she was travelling with me to Lucknow.
Her husband called up around 7pm when he came back from the office in Delhi to discover that their flat has been ransacked. He called her up promptly and all of us came to know that the only thing missing were her three beloved “imitation” jewelry sets. The laptop was untouched, the three cell phones were left behind.
Now the question that comes to my mind is that what kind of a loser thief will bother with crappy fake jewelry in the first place and leave all the electronic goodies behind? I’m sure that the husband must be sick and tired of the “chamko” stuff and dumped them at the first given opportunity. Good riddance to bad rubbish was what he must have thought.
Moreover I was intrigued by her cell phone provider who let her talk for a good 20 minutes without any break in the network coverage in this godforsaken east U.P. countryside.


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