White Magic, Dark Death

It was a warm day, the first one after months of cold and a spell of rain. Sunny, bright and a bit dusty. 4th of March, Chotti's b'day.
As I rode up to Shaheed path it was surprisingly empty. I was on Thunder Bird, oblivious to the events unfolding just minutes ahead.
I reach the straight long stretch near Ansal's Golf City and there's just me on the road at that time of around 3:20.
Far in the distance on my side of the road I see a white Tata Magic carrier standing on the side of the road at the left curb.
A man is underneath it. I assume repairing some fault in the machine.
As I move closer I see that both the doors of the carrier are open.
By now I am pretty intrigued by the whole thing. A bit uneasy. A bit apprehensive.
And then I get close to the Magic.
I see a bicycle underneath it, right between the fron and back wheels.
And then there is the poor guy. Old. Dark. In white.
Lying all alone, the occupants of the Magic on a run and his blood just starting to seep from his ruptured skull into the black tarmac.

P.S.: I call 100 to report. They put the ball in my court and instead ask me about the jurisdiction!


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